Premium Quality Treats

We believe that every dog is different and deserves the best. We only have premium quality treats and your dog safety is one of the our most important core values. Our Chews are all natural with simple ingredients and free from artificial chemicals additives, odor-free, higly digestable and taste more intensely, while your best friend is happy and entertained chewing.


    No grain texture, avoiding choking that can happen, leading to more hours of chewing with fun.

  • Intense flavor that leaves any pet salivating for more. Zero unpleasant odor or artificial additives, leaving the flavor equal to beef steak.


    No grain mixture it can cause damage to intestinal health like corn. Treats without the addition of other ingredients, only quality meat.

  • Deceleration all phases of life canine, reducing accumulated stress, being a good company while your human work.


    No mixed ingredients besides meat, like soy. That can hinder digestion and not absorb all the ingredients that the canine body deserves.

  • The only ingredient that composes one snack breaks naturally the monotony of daily ration. Made of quality meat compound a treats with 98% protein & salt free.


The Brazilian Flavor